
Professor Shang-Ming Zhou
Professor of e-Health
School of Nursing and Midwifery (Faculty of Health)
University of Plymouth
Title: "Empowering Digital Health with Advanced Analytics : Type-1 OWA Operators for Aggregating Uncertain Information from Multiple Sources in Integrated Diagnoses "
Dr. Shang-Ming Zhou is the Full Professor of eHealth and Deputy-Director of the Centre for Health Technology, Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth, UK. He is the Director of NHS Kernow Data-Lab. His research has been funded by research councils, industries, local organisations, healthcare providers, charities, and overseas partners.
His scholarly interests focus on artificial intelligence (AI) in health and biomedical informatics, health data science, biomedical statistics; information aggregation / integration via type-1 OWA operators and type-2 OWA operators. He is particularly interested in AI with electronic health data for precision health, disease phenotyping, polypharmacy, multimorbidity, risk factors identification; local modelling for personalized health; clinical decision supports driven by type-1 OWA operators and type-2 OWA operators; machine learning and data mining applied to epidemiology and public health.
Professor Zhou has gained extensive expertise of developing and using explainable/transparent machine learning (i.e. XAI), type-1/ type-2 OWA operators, local modelling and other AI technologies for health-related data, and created innovative methods to extract personally useful information, such as rules and patterns, concerning lifestyles and health conditions from routine health related data to promote healthier lifestyles and prevent disease.
Professor Zhou has been invited as an international expert to sit at funding evaluation panels from different countries. He was the recipient of IFIP-WG8.9 “Outstanding Academic Service Award”; and “Outstanding Reviewer Award” from Journal of Biomedical Informatics; Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport; Fuzzy Sets and Systems; IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics; Applied Soft Computing, Knowledge Based Systems, Expert Systems with Applications, respectively.

Dr. Kristiana Ludlow, BPsych(Hons), MRes, PhD
Research Fellow
Centre for Health Services Research
Faculty of Medicine
The University of Queensland
Title: "Co-design approaches to advancing digital healthcare: The importance of collaboration and end-user empowerment"
Dr. Kristiana Ludlow is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Services Research, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Queensland, and an Honorary Postdoctoral Fellow at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University. Dr Ludlow is currently leading a research program aiming to improve outcomes for frail in-patients, including the development of digital training and educational modules on frailty. Dr Ludlow has expertise in co-designing and evaluating interventions and digital health tools with end-users, consumers, family members, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders. Her research interests include frailty, aged care, person-centred care, missed care and unmet needs, care prioritisation, and the role of family caregivers in care.

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